Scholary and Technical Publications

Much more Publications in German language  

10. Product and Concept Piracy pdf-Datei (84 KB)
recognising, preventing, fighting off, using, tolerating
Published at Gabler, Germany, ISBN 108349-0100-0
by Nicolas P. Sokianos
9. Extended Opportunities:
Improving delivery performance
by a new factory and innovative
production management

Prof. Dr. Nicolas P. Sokianos
Finalist of the International Project Management Award 2002

8. Industry Hegemony and Company Product Development Performance in the Personal Computer Industry
In: New Product Development and Production Networks,
pp. 357-385
7. Case Study in the application of project management
In: International Journal of Project Management, Butterworths, Surrey, UK,
pp. 185-187
6. Project Management for better Profits. The Impact of Company Culture
In: Proceedings ISATA, International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation,
5. "Research Report: What Does Industry Expect from University Graduates?"
In: Management Systems, Vol 4, No. 3
(Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association),
pp. 145-148 (japanese)
4. Putting Innovative Materials Management Systems into Practice
In: Second World Congress of Production and Inventory Control, (Geneva)
APICS, pp. 172-176
3. Organizing the Changing Role of Materials Management in the Context of CIM
In "International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation",
Proceedings Volume 2
2. Logistics Dictionary
Special edition for GfPM
with the approval of Siemens AG
1. Lexikon Produktionsmanagement
Nicolas Sokianos, Helmut Drüke,
Claudia Seel, Burghilde Wieneke-Toutaoui
mi, Verl. Moderne Industrie
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